
Party Better, Party Different

Partying better, partying different with Desperados

Party Better, Party Different

We created unique, ‘twisted’ entertainment experiences in three European countries under the overarching global concept ‘Party Better, Party Different’.

Heineken has a clear ambition for their tequila-flavored beer, Desperados: to become the iconic beer brand for 18–24-year-old partygoers. Their objective was to create unexpected party experiences that would increase digital engagement and social chatter through defying all expectations and conventions that the target market had come to expect from the typical corporate brand.

So, we created unique, ‘twisted’ entertainment experiences in three European countries under the overarching global concept ‘Party Better, Party Different’. Each party was an intriguing, unexpected and immersive experience, challenging the norm, embracing the new and going beyond limits – aligning with Desperados offbeat persona and reflecting the beer’s unconventional twist (tequila flavoring).

The parties were supported by a tailored media plan with a native/influencer driven strategy. Entry to the parties was accessed through a mixture of channels including; competitions, free tickets and paid-for tickets.

London’s Next Level saw guests working together to unlock different floors as the party escalated up each level of the building – as long as the guests discovered how to unlock its doors.

Warsaw’s Endless Night twisted the constraints of time to confuse partygoers’ senses on the night the clocks went back.

Milan’s Hotel Revelation was a night of discovery in a hotel with a difference. Each room contained a surprise waiting to be discovered.

Guests were encouraged to explore the surroundings of each. Quirky surprises and secret areas could be discovered as partygoers worked together to unlock an array of experiences during their party journey. Brand presence varied at each party depending on the maturity of the brand in each market.

18–24 year-olds live in a constant tension between a society that is full of rules and restrictions and their inner need to stand out, break the mold and create a better, more exciting reality for themselves. We were offering these young adults an opportunity to express themselves on a night where they could take a break from the tiresome limitations enforced upon them; to twist these conventions and create amazing memories as a result. Their passion for new experiences meant they were instinctively drawn to our intriguing nights that promised something different and bold.

A social media campaign inspiring more people to Party Better, Party Different ran alongside the parties, encouraging people to share their partying moments using the hashtag #PartyInstinct.


26% increase in YOY sales

250,000 mentions of #PartyInstinct

39% reach in hard-to-reach market

Each party was beautifully brought to life through an incredible attention to detail. Tickets sold out at all three locations, with guests being turned away at the door.

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