Reaching for Greatness
‘Reaching for Greatness’ as our campaign theme and modus operandi
A leading manufacturer of personal and healthcare products, Kimberly-Clark has repeatedly chosen us to create global senior leadership summits attended by their top executives.
We design the annual events to energize and align these leaders with strategies for the coming year. Keynote addresses and interactive breakouts run as workshops ensure all participants depart feeling fully equipped to deploy the initiatives with their local teams.
We’ve expanded our messaging techniques to directly involve field staff as well. We developed an integrated way for leaders to ‘pass the strategy baton’ to colleagues once the summit ended. Senior execs each received a coded baton and were asked to pass it to a staffer who had made good on various objectives. This staff would then use the code to add their success story to a bespoke “Reaching for Greatness” site. In turn, they would then pass the baton to another high performer. Online, participants could track the progress of “their” baton, connect and learn through this collaborative storytelling activity.
5+ year relationship
40,000 involved employees
Besting our own past performance, as judged by continually delighted clients, is our primary success metric. Said one Kimberly-Clark executive, “You ran an incredibly tight show. The design and art direction were fantastic and the professionalism on the team was world class. And, most energizing, you are just refreshingly normal humans. A rare treat!”