Jack Blog
May 4th, 2017
Event Marketer’s Experiential Marketing Summit (EMS) in Chicago is one of the biggest gatherings in the brand experience space. This week, at EMS 2017, Steve Boyce and I led a workshop called Event Measurement and Data University.
During this session, we taught attendees how to create and build a stronger measurement practice within their companies. We helped participants get up to speed on current measurement strategies, trends and best practices so that they walked away with actionable tips and insights on how to measure events, what to measure at events and what modern tools and infrastructure changes they would need to make to track it all efficiently. We also covered how to manage and break down the silos between the multiple data channels feeding into their organizations, how to better unify their data in a way that made sense and how to interpret their data in real time to create more personalized and impactful experiences.
See the presentation below, and reach out to Jack to discover how to get the most out of your brand experience.