Superheroes: Unlocking the hidden superpowers of healthcare brands

Jack Blog

June 17th, 2016


Imagine if you had a hidden superpower. The kind that could improve lives and save billions of dollars the world over. That’s what it’s like for healthcare brands – they have the ability to change people’s experience through groundbreaking treatments and through this change outcomes – and lives. If only they could unlock it.

At Cannes Lions Health this year, Ryan Quigley of AbbVie and Jack’s Chief Creative Officer, Bruce Henderson, will present our vision for the future of healthcare brands. It’s not enough for pharmaceutical companies, health insurance companies, and other organizations dedicated to healthcare to merely provide medical or financial solutions. Rather, brands must re-connect with people’s needs and revolutionize their healthcare experience. It’s a level of empowerment that could only come from a superhero.

[slideshare id=64212771&doc=superheroes-unlockingthehiddensuperpowersofhealthcarebrandsjackmortonworldwide-160720160252]

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