Mini Jacks were back, freshening up the office with greenery and energy!

Jack Blog

August 16th, 2018

Jack Morton excels at creating extraordinary experiences for our clients. We did the same today for our team members’ children, taking them on a wonderful journey for “Take Your Kids to Work Day”. These kids overwhelmed the office with their laughter and joy.

Living in an urban jungle like Hong Kong, our event organizing team decided to take the children on a journey into nature. The event started with plant pot decoration, followed by a handcraft section of leaf print invitation cards, and ended with a healthy fruit buffet with all of our big Jacks.

The kids wielded their creativity throughout the activities. They dressed the yogurt containers up with unexpected materials such as pasta and stones with a touch of color paint. After planting into their containers, they had their own unique plant pot as souvenirs from the day.

To also engage the big Jacks from the office in this green party, our mini Jacks received another task. Invitation cards were made into badges and decorated with leaves and paint. They then badged the big Jacks with invitation cards, “commanding” them to leave the office desk and join the feast.

As people devoured the delightful buffet, the event came to an end. With the refreshing vibe still floating in the air, the kids left the office with fulfilled smiles.

Without a doubt, both mini Jacks and big Jacks are already looking forward to the next “Take Your Kids to Work Day”!