What is TIME’S UP/ADVERTISING (and why we should all care)

Jack Blog

March 12th, 2018

Time's Up advertising

Today is an exciting day. I’m proud to announce, with the support of Jack Morton’s Global Executive Team and our employees around the world, that Jack Morton is joining forces with a coalition of leading agencies to launch TIME’S UP/ADVERTISING.


More than 180 female leaders at agencies across the US, myself included, have united to address the issues facing our community and women specifically. And we decided, TIME’S UP. The clock has run out on sexual assault, harassment, and inequality in our industry.  An open letter was released this morning, and as Jack’s ambassador to the movement, I’m proud that we’re doing something about it.

Here’s an excerpt:


TIME’S UP/ADVERTISING is the first official vertical under the TIME’S UP™ movement. TIME’S UP/ADVERTISING will drive new policies, practices, decisions, and tangible actions that result in more balanced, diverse, and accountable leadership so we can address the flaws and power dynamics that have created workplace challenges within our industry.

What’s Our Commitment?

Here are the actions we’re committed to:

  • ACTION: Commit to creating solutions that work, starting with examining the processes and policies that have failed us.
  • ACTION: Identify and mentor people representing diversity across the board and who are ready to become agency leaders.
  • ACTION: Adoption of progressive agency training and education that brings this discussion and its solutions out into the open in our agencies.

Why We Should All Care:

Respect is one of our core values at Jack and it’s something we all deserve. Yet, according to NBC, nearly half of working women in the U.S. say they have experienced harassment in the workplace. And surveys show 1 in 3 women ages 18 to 34 have been sexually harassed at work. Of those who were, 71% of those women said they did not report it.

That’s why at Jack, we’ve been behind the 3% Conference and Movement. That’s why we’re investing in mentorships for women across our organization. That’s why our I AM JACK Diversity & Inclusion program ensures we create an environment that celebrates and recognizes all of our similarities and differences.

And that’s why we’re proud to align with this group and its intentions from day one. We’re committed to these advancements at a global level and anyone around the world can get involved. I’m personally excited that Jack Morton will forever be a part of this important and overdue moment in our industry’s history.

In solidarity,

Shelley Elkins

SVP, Executive Creative Director


Inclusivity is critical to this movement. If you, or your agency, would like to join this movement, partake in the conversation or learn more, visit timesupadvertising.com.