Additional insights into experiential marketing trends for 2023

Jack Blog

February 8th, 2023

Jack Morton recently gazed into our crystal ball for the trends driving experiential marketing in 2023. In our newest report: “Refocus, Restore & Run” we look at three significant shifts shaping our culture, behavior, and marketing this year.

Our strategists provided their insights on how things will be getting looser to refocus our priorities, tighter to restore our purpose, and faster to run hard at our passions:

experiential marketing trends for 2023

Jamie Rosenbaum, VP, Senior Strategy Director on Looser:

“2023 will be the year for advocating what is important to us and letting go of the things that are not.”

We’re certainly refocusing priorities this year but in a way that puts the more personal and important stuff first – like our well-being. Collective uniqueness and different points of view are finally being championed by many, and that’s energizing. 2023 will be the year for advocating what is important to us and letting go of the things that are not. Brands are evolving their values to be aligned with today’s consumers, given their extensive reach and influence that materializes through campaigns, platforms, and products. How does that translate to better experiences? When we embrace new ways of thinking, doing, and consuming, we open ourselves to having richer and more intentional experiences.

experiential marketing trends for 2023

Sebastien Klein, SVP, Group Strategy Director on Tighter:

“82% of shoppers want a consumer brand’s values to align with their own, and they’ll vote with their wallet if they don’t feel a match.”

Consumers strive to restore and protect foundational areas of their (well)being that have been negatively impacted by circumstances outside of their control – from feeling safe and financially stable to surrounding themselves with those who respect them and the world they live in.

Brand experiences can be uniquely effective in demonstrating an organization’s acknowledgment of these new consumer realities, sharing empathy, and providing tangible value and solutions in people’s quest to refocus and regain control, leading to stronger brand connections. But they need to have a clear purpose, allow audiences to engage on their terms, and authentically align with their beliefs and values to ensure brands continue to be part of the narrowing “circle of trust”.

82% of shoppers want a consumer brand’s values to align with their own, and they’ll vote with their wallet if they don’t feel a match. Three-quarters of shoppers report parting ways with a brand over a conflict in values.

experiential marketing trends for 2023

Kimberly Emrick-Bryan, VP, Strategy, Genuine on Faster:

“Consumers are living huge chunks of their lives online and engaging across multiple channels, but they are also savvier about protecting their privacy and falling prey to obvious marketing tactics.”

Understanding consumer behavior and preferences have never been more important. It is also more challenging. Sure, consumers are living huge chunks of their lives online and engaging across multiple channels. Still, they are also savvier about protecting their privacy and falling prey to obvious marketing tactics.

Creating a solid foundation of unified customer data positions brands to move more quickly and test new marketing and go-to-market approaches. It allows for learning and iterating intentionally and consistently. Companies that recognize this and invest in Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) not only increase their market speed but also increase their chances of resonating with their audiences by delivering personalized experiences that reflect understanding, build trust, and ultimately lead to loyalty.