Multi-Site Management Platform

ul Multi-Site Management Platform
Making multi-site management look easy

Multi-Site Management Platform

275 websites. 140 social channels. Over 300 sub-brands. More than 200K web pages. One big headache for Underwriters Laboratories (UL).

As UL and its digital presence grew, so did the need for a centralized system to ensure brand consistency and remove the end-user confusion that often comes from fragmented systems.

Genuine, Jack Morton’s digital experience agency, was tasked with planning, architecting and developing an infrastructure that would streamline the management of data and content across UL’s digital ecosystem and provide a more consistent and seamless experience for UL’s users.

One of the primary goals of UL’s new digital platform was to democratize content creation across the organization. So, Genuine helped bring to life a CAPE (Create Anywhere, Publish Everywhere) model, powered by Acquia’s Content Hub, that allowed for syndicating relevant content across UL’s digital properties. Using a centrally managed taxonomy structure, they ensured that marketers could serve up the most relevant and timely content to their target audiences, enabling the creation of personalized experiences throughout the platform. A versatile component library gave marketers and content creators the freedom and flexibility to bring their content to life while remaining on-brand and adhering to general best practices. And, because the platform was built on Acquia Cloud Site Factory, the cost and time to market for deploying new sites was dramatically reduced.


Time to market for new sites on the platform was reduced from months to weeks. And UL saw a 50% cost savings per new site.

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